Business insurance
After assessing your company's needs, we prepare a detailed analysis of insurance offers. We guarantee the best value for money!
After assessing your company's needs, we prepare a detailed analysis of insurance offers. We guarantee the best value for money!
Private insurance
After assessing your company's needs, we prepare a detailed analysis of insurance offers. We guarantee the best value for money!
After assessing your company's needs, we prepare a detailed analysis of insurance offers. We guarantee the best value for money!
Private insurance
After assessing your company's needs, we prepare a detailed analysis of insurance offers. We guarantee the best value for money!
Business insurance
After assessing your company's needs, we prepare a detailed analysis of insurance offers. We guarantee the best value for money!
Insurance for private clients and businesses in Taurage
for private clients and
for business in Taurage
We are insurance professionals with a wide range of expertise. We provide all types of insurance with all insurance companies registered in Lithuania and branches of foreign insurance companies. After assessing your personal needs, we prepare an analysis of insurance offers. We guarantee the best value for money! Insurance in Tauragė and other Lithuanian cities under the best conditions.
We guarantee you:
Courteous and quality service
Convenient meeting times
Continuous quality of service quotation
Best value for money insurance
Confidentiality and security of information
High quality and responsiveness
We work reliably and professionally!

Olė Žulinė -
Director of UADBB Olvirga
Dear customers, we strive for the best results, we are a constantly evolving organisation, and your opinion is very important to us. We are open to comments and suggestions.

Olė Žulinė
Director of UADBB Olvirga
Dear customers, we strive for the best results, we are a constantly evolving organisation, and your opinion is very important to us. We are open to comments and suggestions.

Olė Žulinė – UADBB Olvirga direktorė
Gerbiami klientai, mes siekiame pačių geriausių rezultatų, esame nuolat tobulėjanti organizacija, todėl mums labai svarbu kiekvieno iš Jūsų nuomonė. Esame pasirengę priimti pastabas bei pasiūlymus.

UADBB Olvirga is an insurance brokerage company licensed by the Bank of Lithuania since 1994. We represent all insurance companies operating in the Republic of Lithuania and branches of foreign insurance companies. We can prepare any type of insurance contract for both corporate clients and private individuals.
Get an insurance quote
After assessing your personal needs, we prepare an analysis of insurance offers. We guarantee the best value for money!
Get an insurance quote
After assessing your personal needs, we prepare an analysis of insurance offers. We guarantee the best value for money!
Insurance services - Taurage
We take care of our customers and help them find the best possible insurance solution. Advice, free consultancy and damage control where needed administration and other insurance-related services. We choose the insurance option that is the cheapest but offers the best conditions. We provide insurance at no extra cost at insurance company prices. The most common types of insurance:
Transport – compulsory and casco car insurance
Assets – various movable and immovable
Travel – medical costs
Accident and health
Life and cumulative
Civil liability
Sureties and liabilities
Performance of obligations
Business risks
Civil liability
Employer and employees